
Man Gets All His Children DNA-Tested after Eldest Daughter Shows Him Her DNA Test Result

For 30 years, a devoted father raised five beautiful children, never questioning his paternity. However, everything changed when his eldest daughter presented him with the results of an ancestry test, revealing that he was not her biological father.

Redditor Needadvicedesperate and his wife had been high school sweethearts, building a life together that seemed perfect with their five children. But nearly three decades into their marriage, the results of the ancestry test shattered their world.

The problem began when his eldest daughter, after taking an ancestry test, revealed the results to him privately. The revelation was devastating, and while he understood that his daughter was heartbroken, he decided to investigate further.

The Original Poster (OP) was initially in disbelief. He had always trusted his wife implicitly, and this new information struck him to his core. Before delving deeper, he comforted his daughter, reassuring her that, despite everything, he loved her unconditionally.

Skeptical of the ancestry test’s accuracy, the OP and his daughter decided to take a formal paternity test. When the results came back, it was confirmed: he was not her biological father. The truth left him stunned and emotionally shattered. He admitted:

“The combination of discovering my wife’s infidelity and seeing how my reaction upset my daughter was overwhelming. I really wish I had kept my emotions in check for her sake, but I didn’t.”

Unable to keep it together, the OP decided to test his other children, except for his youngest teenage daughter, fearing the worst. He felt it inappropriate to burden his 14-year-old with such a revelation and wanted to determine how long his wife had been unfaithful. He explained:

“We told the other three what had happened, reassuring them of my unconditional love and explaining that I needed to know the extent of the infidelity.”

Until then, the other children had believed he was their biological father. Seeing him distraught, they chose to undergo testing to support him. The results were devastating: none of the three older children were biologically his, and each had different fathers. This discovery deeply disheartened him.

The OP realized that hiding the truth from his youngest daughter would only lead to her discovering it in a more painful way later. He felt his wife had not only had one affair but multiple ongoing ones. The emotional impact was immense. Confronting his wife, he hoped she would admit her wrongdoing and seek forgiveness.

When he presented the test results, his wife dismissed them, claiming the results might be faulty. She even guilt-tripped him, asking, “Do you seriously not trust me after all these years?”

Despite her denial, the OP remained unmoved. He struggled with how to reassure his children while grappling with the emotional fallout. Most importantly, he didn’t want to break his youngest daughter’s heart prematurely. He turned to the Reddit community for advice, hoping to find a way to salvage his marriage.

One Redditor empathized with the OP, acknowledging the harsh reality of discovering such a betrayal. The commenter advised:

“She had multiple affairs and children with different men and can’t even own up to it when caught. But don’t just walk away. There’s a lot we don’t know about your situation. This is your life.”

The OP responded, expressing his concerns about his youngest daughter’s well-being and the potential negative impact on her development. He sought further advice, prioritizing her emotional health.

User pancakeday advised him to be transparent with his youngest daughter, stressing that delaying the truth would only cause greater harm later. The commenter added:

“You’re giving your wife the chance to spin her own narrative. You need to protect your kids from her, not from the truth.”

Some users suggested that the OP should assure his children of his love and take time to decide his next steps. Redditor Hanh2 reminded him that age should not dictate his choices, encouraging him not to stay in an unhappy marriage simply out of habit.

The OP reflected deeply on his situation, realizing that he had built his life around his wife. After reviewing the advice, he decided to get second tests done and to eventually tell his youngest daughter the truth, though he would not force a paternity test on her. He also resolved to file for divorce if his wife’s behavior did not improve. Ultimately, he recognized that his relationship with his children was what mattered most, regardless of biological ties.

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