
I Cut Short My Business Trip upon Learning My Wife Was in the ER – Found Another Man by Her Bed When I Arrived

Ethan’s life takes a dramatic turn when he rushes back from a business trip, only to find his wife in the ER. His heart pounds with fear, but nothing could prepare him for the sight of a stranger sitting by her bedside. The man’s shocking revelation threatens to shatter everything Ethan thought he knew about his marriage. Who is this mysterious man, and what secrets has he uncovered?

Life had always seemed perfect.

I had been married to Isabel for eight years. We had a beautiful home and a life that I believed was as close to ideal as one could get.

Every morning, I woke up early to head to work, making sure to provide the best life possible for us. Isabel and I had built something strong together, and I took pride in knowing my hard work kept her content.

Isabel wasn’t just my wife—she was my best friend. We laughed together, shared our dreams, and planned our future. I did everything I could to be a good husband, to make her feel loved and cherished.

One evening, while sitting on our porch, I watched the sun set with a deep sense of contentment.

“We really do have a great life, don’t we?” I said to Isabel as she joined me. She smiled and nodded, but there was something in her eyes—a shadow I couldn’t quite decipher.

“Yes, Ethan, it’s wonderful,” she replied softly.

I didn’t press her. I assumed she was just tired. Like any couple, we had our ups and downs, but I believed that together, we could overcome anything.

I was wrong.

I was about 40 miles out of town on a business trip, driving down the highway, when my phone rang.

The number was unfamiliar, but something told me to answer it. “Hello?”

“Is this Ethan?” a woman’s voice asked.

“Yes, who’s calling?”

“This is Nurse Karen from the local hospital. Your wife, Isabel, is in the ER. She’s unconscious.”

My heart dropped. “What happened? Is she okay?”

“She was brought in a short while ago. I don’t have all the details yet, but you need to come to the hospital as soon as possible.”

Panic surged through me. “I’ll be there right away.”

I pulled off the road, my hands shaking as I tried to steady my breathing. Isabel was in the hospital, unconscious. My mind raced with fear. What could have happened? She was fine when I left this morning.

I turned the car around and sped back toward town, my foot pressing hard on the gas pedal. The scenic drive I usually enjoyed now felt like a nightmare. Every mile seemed to stretch on forever, my thoughts consumed by worry.

“Please be okay, Isabel,” I whispered, gripping the steering wheel tightly. My vision blurred as tears welled up in my eyes. I wiped them away, focusing on getting back to her as quickly as possible.

I called the hospital again, desperate for more information, but they could only tell me that she was still unconscious and being treated. The uncertainty gnawed at me. Was it an accident? A sudden illness?

After what felt like an eternity, I finally reached the town limits. The hospital was just minutes away now. I prayed silently, begging for Isabel to be okay. I couldn’t lose her—not like this.

As soon as I arrived, I raced through the hospital doors, my heart pounding in my chest.

“Where is my wife?” I asked frantically at the nurse’s station. “Isabel Williams. I received a call that she’s here.”

The nurse looked at me with surprise. “That’s odd. I thought her husband brought her in. He’s with her now.”

My confusion deepened. “I am her husband,” I insisted, panic rising in my voice.

She pointed down the hall. “Room 12.”

I hurried to the room, my mind spinning with questions. When I entered, I saw a man sitting beside Isabel’s bed, holding her hand. He looked up as I approached.

“Who are you?” I demanded, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and fear.

“I’m Logan,” he replied calmly. “Her… lover. We’ve been seeing each other for a year. We were in an accident while you were on your business trip. I brought her here and asked the nurse to call you.”

My fists clenched, and I felt a surge of rage. I wanted to hit him, to scream, to do something—but I forced myself to stay calm. “You’re her lover?” I asked, struggling to keep my voice steady.

“Yes,” Logan said. “But I know she loves you. She just felt neglected because you were always so busy with work.”

I stood there, trying to process his words.

Isabel had a lover? She felt neglected? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I looked at her lying there, unconscious, and my heart ached.

As we waited for Isabel to wake up, Logan continued speaking. “I care about her deeply, Ethan. But she always talked about you—about how much she missed the way things used to be. She felt like you were drifting apart, and she didn’t know how to tell you.”

His words cut deep. I had been working so hard, thinking I was doing the right thing for our family. But I had been blind to Isabel’s feelings. I glanced at Logan, seeing the sincerity in his eyes, and felt a mix of anger and guilt.

“Why didn’t she talk to me?” I asked, more to myself than to him.

Logan shrugged. “Maybe she was afraid. Maybe she thought you wouldn’t listen. I don’t know. But she’s here now, and she needs you.”

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my emotions. I had to focus on Isabel and getting her through this.

“She wanted attention and affection,” Logan confessed quietly. “That’s why she cheated.”

A deep pain stabbed through my heart. I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

“I love her,” I whispered, my voice barely audible. “I thought working hard was the best way to take care of her. I was wrong.”

“I understand, Ethan. You were doing what you thought was right. But she needed more than that.”

I looked at Isabel, lying there so still, and the weight of guilt and sorrow pressed down on me.

Logan sighed. “I told the nurse I was her husband. I didn’t want to complicate things when I brought her in. I’m sorry for the confusion.”

I shook my head, trying to absorb everything. “I appreciate you bringing her here,” I said, even though it was difficult to get the words out. “But this is something Isabel and I need to face together.”

Logan nodded. “I understand. I’ll step back. She needs you now.”

Just then, Isabel’s eyes fluttered open, her gaze unfocused at first. Then, she looked around the room, her eyes landing on me.

“Ethan,” she said, smiling weakly. Relief washed over me.

“I’m here, Isabel,” I said, gently squeezing her hand.

She turned her head and noticed Logan. “Who are you?” she asked, her voice faint.

Logan smiled gently. “I’m your husband’s work colleague,” he lied smoothly. Then, leaning closer to me, he whispered, “Make her happy.”

I nodded, grateful for his understanding. Logan gave Isabel one last look before quietly leaving the room. His words echoed in my mind: Make her happy. It felt like a second chance, an opportunity for a fresh start.

I turned back to Isabel, who was watching me with a mixture of confusion and trust.

“How are you feeling?” I asked softly.

“A bit disoriented,” she admitted, “but I’m okay. What happened?”

“We’ll talk about it later,” I said, brushing a strand of hair from her forehead. “Right now, just rest. I’m here with you.”

She nodded, her eyes closing again as she began to relax.

What should I do now? Should I tell her the truth?

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