
My Husband’s Mistress Sent Me a Box on My Birthday, I Was Stunned by What I Found Inside

A mysterious package showed up on my doorstep on my 32nd birthday, allegedly from my husband’s mistress. What I found inside left me speechless and nearly turned my life upside down.

You know those birthdays that take an unexpected turn? Well, that was mine. I’m Lara, and this birthday is one I’ll never forget. It all began with a mysterious box that arrived at my door—a box that nearly shattered my world.

The morning started perfectly. “Happy birthday, beautiful,” my husband Dexter whispered, his arms wrapped around me as I slowly woke up. His grey eyes sparkled with excitement. “I have a surprise for you later.”

I grinned, snuggling closer. “Any hints?”

He chuckled, shaking his head. “Nope. You’ll just have to wait and see.”

Our love story began a decade ago—Dexter was my best friend turned soulmate, and now, seven years into our marriage, we had built the perfect little family with our son, Dave. Life was good.

“Mommy! Daddy!” Dave, our five-year-old ball of energy, burst into the room, jumping on the bed. “It’s party day!”

Dexter ruffled his hair. “Sure is, buddy. Ready to help set up?”

Dave pumped his fist in the air. “Yeah! Can I blow up the balloons?”

I smiled, hugging them both. “Of course, sweetheart. Let’s make this the best party ever.”

As we started the day, I couldn’t help but feel so grateful for my life. Dexter had always been my rock, my best friend, and now the father of our beautiful son. I felt truly blessed.

The day flew by, and soon the backyard was filled with the sound of laughter and conversation. Friends and family gathered to celebrate, while the smell of grilled burgers and homemade cupcakes filled the air. Everything was perfect.

“These spring rolls are amazing!” my best friend Sarah exclaimed. “You’ve outdone yourself, Lara.”

I laughed, feeling proud. “I’m glad you like them! Try the dipping sauce, it’s a new recipe.”

As I mingled with our guests, my phone buzzed. It was a call from an unknown number.

“Hello?” I answered, stepping away from the noise.

A gruff voice responded, “Mrs. Fog? I have a delivery for you. The sender requested you collect it alone. I’m outside your house.”

Confused, I asked, “Who’s it from?”

“I’m not at liberty to say, ma’am. Can you come out?”

Puzzled but curious, I made my way to the front door. A middle-aged delivery man handed me a large box. “Sign here, please,” he said, not offering any other information.

“Is this from my husband?” I asked, but he shrugged, already walking away.

Excitement bubbled inside me. Was this the surprise Dexter had promised? I hurried to the patio, eager to open it. But as I lifted the lid, my excitement vanished.

There, in bold red letters, was a note: “FROM YOUR HUSBAND’S LOVER.”

My hands trembled as I peeled back the layers inside the box. Beneath the tissue paper was my missing jewelry—the set I had reported stolen months ago. And underneath it, a note that made my blood run cold: “You don’t know me, but I know everything about you, Lara. I’m your husband’s mistress. I’ve had enough of him playing you, so I decided to teach him a lesson. Meet me at the address below. Come alone.”

My world shattered in that moment. Dexter—my best friend, the father of my child—had stolen my jewelry for another woman? My chest tightened, and tears blurred my vision as I read the note over and over.

I glanced back at the party, watching Dexter laugh with his friends, completely unaware of the bomb that had just dropped on my life. How long had this been going on? And how could he act so normal?

Without a word to anyone, I grabbed my keys and slipped out, the address from the note burned into my mind. The drive was a blur, my thoughts racing as I replayed the last seven years. Had I missed the signs? Were the late nights at work more than just work?

Tears streamed down my face as I whispered, “How could you, Dexter?”

The address led me to an old, abandoned house on the outskirts of town. The paint was peeling, and the windows were boarded up. My heart raced as I stepped out of the car. Was this real? Was I about to meet Dexter’s mistress?

As I reached the porch, the door creaked open, and the dimly lit interior of the house revealed nothing but shadows. I hesitated, my hand hovering over the doorframe, wondering if I should turn back.

Before I could retreat, the lights inside suddenly flickered on, blinding me. Then, the door behind me burst open, and a chorus of voices shouted, “SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”

I whirled around in shock, only to see Dexter, my friends, and family flooding into the room, grinning from ear to ear.

“What… what’s going on?” I stammered, still trying to process everything.

Dexter stepped forward, wrapping me in a hug. “Surprise, honey. This was the gift I promised.”

“But… the jewelry… the note…” I muttered in disbelief.

He smiled, brushing a strand of hair from my face. “I bought you a replica of the jewelry you lost, and as for the note? That was part of the prank. There’s no other woman, Lara. There never could be.”

Relief washed over me, quickly followed by a surge of annoyance. “You jerk!” I exclaimed, punching him lightly in the chest. “Do you have any idea what I just went through?”

Dexter laughed, pulling me closer. “I’m sorry, but I wanted to make this birthday unforgettable.”

I couldn’t help but laugh too, the tension melting away. “You guys are awful. But I love you all.”

As we returned to the house to continue the party, I couldn’t stop smiling. What had started as a nightmare ended up being one of the most memorable birthdays ever.

Dexter squeezed my hand as we walked. “So, did I give you the surprise of a lifetime?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh, it was definitely unforgettable. Just wait till your birthday, mister. Payback is coming.”

He gulped playfully, making everyone laugh. “I think I’ve created a monster.”

And as the evening unfolded, I began plotting my perfect revenge for his next birthday. Let’s just say Dexter had no idea what was coming his way.

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