
I Accidentally Found Out My Friend’s Husband Was Cheating, I Couldn’t Help but Take My Revenge

Allison thought driving a taxi during her spare time at 65 would help her hold onto her youthful spirit. She enjoyed the stories and experiences shared by passengers. But one fateful day, her passenger turned out to be her friend’s husband, Mike, and what happened next forced Allison to make a difficult choice between being professional or exposing a painful truth.

I never planned on driving a taxi after retiring from my job as a women’s columnist. At 65, I envisioned traveling, spending more time with family, and relaxing. But life had other plans. After stepping away from the daily grind, I found myself with too much time on my hands. My editor, Elena, suggested I write a few freelance articles here and there, just to keep busy. But it wasn’t enough. That’s when I stumbled upon my new passion: driving a taxi.

There was something about the freedom of the open road, the hum of the engine, and meeting different people that kept me going. My son, Darren, thought I was crazy. “Mom, why would you want to drive strangers around?” he asked.

I smiled and told him, “You’ll understand one day, Darren. It’s not just driving—it’s the stories, the people. It makes me feel alive.” Little did I know, one of those stories would be one I’d never forget.

One of my regular passengers, Jane, had become a good friend over the years. She was lively and full of energy, always keeping me updated on her family. One morning, she called me with a favor.

“Allison, I need your help. Mike’s heading out on a trip tomorrow, and I can’t take him to the airport because I’ll be watching the grandbaby. Would you mind giving him a ride?”

“Of course, Jane,” I replied. “Anything for you.”

The next day, I pulled up to their house. Jane waved at me from the porch, holding her granddaughter as Mike dragged his suitcase to the car. I hadn’t seen him in years, not since their Christmas party. He was polite enough, but I remembered him as distant and a bit aloof. He barely acknowledged my greeting as he slid into the backseat.

“Straight to the airport?” I asked, adjusting the rearview mirror.

“Actually, I need to make a quick stop first,” he replied, giving me an address. “I’ll direct you, and I’ll pay you extra.”

It struck me as odd, but I didn’t think too much of it. Maybe he was picking up a colleague. Jane hadn’t mentioned any specifics about his trip, so I brushed it off and followed his directions.

When we arrived at the address, my stomach sank. Standing on the curb was a young, glamorous woman, her face lighting up as we pulled over. Mike’s demeanor completely changed. He jumped out of the car with an eagerness I hadn’t seen before.

“Hey, honey,” he greeted her, pulling her into an embrace that was far too intimate for a mere colleague. “Finally, we’ve got a weekend away from the old hag!”

The words hit me like a punch to the gut. The woman laughed, letting him kiss her face. “I still don’t understand why you haven’t left her yet,” she teased.

Mike chuckled. “It’s complicated. The house is in her name. I need to be careful. If she catches me cheating, she gets everything. But if we split mutually, it’s fifty-fifty.”

I gripped the steering wheel tightly, my blood boiling. How could he do this to Jane? I had known her for years—she was vibrant, kind, and didn’t deserve to be disrespected like this. I wanted to confront Mike right there, but I hesitated. What was my role here? Was I just a taxi driver, or was I also Jane’s friend, someone who owed her the truth?

As I drove, I wrestled with my conscience. Every word Mike and his mistress exchanged only fueled my anger. He continued to grab at her, making vulgar comments about his wife, and I couldn’t take it anymore.

Suddenly, I made a sharp turn.

“Hey, where are you going?” Mike asked, alarmed.

“Just taking a shortcut,” I said, my voice tight.

A few minutes later, I pulled up in front of Jane’s house. Mike’s face went pale. “What the hell are you doing? We’re supposed to be going to the airport!”

I leaned on the horn, calling Jane outside. She stepped onto the porch, confusion turning to shock as she saw Mike and the young woman in the backseat.

“What’s going on?” she demanded.

Mike fumbled for words, trying to spin a lie. “Jane, it’s not what it looks like. This is Nicole, she’s… she’s coming on the trip too. It’s a work thing!”

Nicole smirked. “Work thing? Please. Mike and I have been together for months.”

Jane’s face hardened. “Months? After everything we’ve been through, you go and cheat on me?”

“Jane, I can explain,” Mike stammered.

“No,” Jane interrupted, her voice cold and controlled. “You don’t need to explain. I’ve seen enough. Get out of Allison’s car and take your mistress with you.”

Mike tried to plead with her, but Jane was resolute. “I want you out of the house by tonight. If you go on your trip, don’t bother coming back. And just a reminder—because you’ve been unfaithful, you get nothing.”

As I drove away, leaving Mike and his mistress on the curb, I felt a mix of satisfaction and sadness. Jane had thanked me for showing her the truth, but it didn’t make the situation any less painful. I hadn’t planned on being the one to expose Mike’s betrayal, but sometimes, life throws you into unexpected roles.

Later, as I sat at my kitchen table, working on an article for my column, I reflected on the day. It wasn’t easy to destroy someone’s illusion of happiness, but Jane deserved to know the truth. In the end, I was glad I chose to protect my friend rather than turn a blind eye.

What would you have done in my situation? Sometimes, doing the right thing means making tough choices, but it’s always worth it in the end.

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