
My Husband Cheated on Me with My Boss Wife, The Next Day My Boss Came to Me with a Harsh Suggestion

After catching her husband in a compromising position with her boss’s wife at a party, Denise’s life spiraled out of control. Heartbroken and betrayed, she confronted her husband, only to be coldly thrown out of her own home. The following day, her boss arrived with an unexpected proposition, one that would leave Denise questioning whether to seek revenge or walk away.

The night started off innocently enough. Denise and her husband, Eric, had just walked into her boss Richard’s lavish mansion for a party. She felt a little out of place in her modest black dress, a far cry from the designer gowns swirling around her. But Eric? He fit in perfectly, maybe too perfectly.

“Stick close tonight, okay?” she had whispered to him, looping her arm through his.

He nodded, but his attention was already elsewhere. Something felt off, though she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. A couple of hours passed, and Eric was nowhere to be found. Denise felt a knot forming in her stomach as she scanned the crowded room, anxiety creeping in.

That’s when Richard approached her.

“Have you seen Vanessa?” he asked, his voice calm but his eyes betraying a hint of concern. Vanessa, Richard’s wife, was known for her poise, always commanding attention.

Denise shook her head, her unease growing. “No, and I haven’t seen Eric either.”

A silent understanding passed between them, and without saying another word, they both began searching. The party buzzed around them as they slipped away from the main hall, moving from room to room, each step building Denise’s dread.

Finally, they reached the attic door. Denise hesitated, already knowing what was behind it. When Richard slowly pushed the door open, there they were—Eric and Vanessa, tangled in each other’s arms. Denise’s heart sank as she let out a small gasp, which made Eric jerk his head up in alarm. His face was a mixture of shock and guilt, but Vanessa? She just looked bored, as if getting caught was merely an inconvenience.

Denise turned and walked out, her vision blurry with unshed tears. She felt numb. Her world was collapsing, and all she could do was put one foot in front of the other. She barely made it home before the floodgates opened, but Eric wasn’t far behind.

When he walked in, Denise was ready for some explanation, anything that might help her make sense of the betrayal. Instead, Eric’s eyes were cold, detached.

“Why, Eric?” Denise’s voice cracked. “Why her?”

For a moment, he just stared at her, almost irritated. “Does it really matter? It’s done,” he said flatly. “You should leave.”

“Leave?” Denise repeated, stunned. “This is our home!”

Eric’s voice remained emotionless. “It’s my grandmother’s house. You have no claim to it. Besides, Vanessa’s coming over soon. You need to go.”

The words hit her like a slap. With nothing left to say, Denise packed what she could and found herself in a cheap motel on the edge of town, trying to process everything.

The next day, as Denise sat on the creaky bed, lost in her thoughts, a knock on the door startled her. She wasn’t expecting anyone. Opening it cautiously, she was shocked to see Richard standing there.

“What are you doing here?” Denise asked, her voice a mix of confusion and exhaustion.

“I couldn’t sleep last night,” Richard said, stepping into the room without waiting for an invitation. His presence filled the tiny space, and Denise couldn’t help but notice the strange glint in his eyes. “I have a proposition for you.”

Denise raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms defensively. “And what exactly do you mean by that?”

Richard dropped a bag onto the bed and unzipped it. Inside, Denise saw cages filled with… rats.

“Richard, what the hell is this?” she asked, stepping back in shock.

“Revenge, Denise,” Richard said, his voice calm but laced with mischief. “We can’t undo what they did, but we can certainly make them pay for it.”

Denise blinked, trying to process what he was suggesting. “You want me to help you… release rats into their house?”

Richard grinned. “Exactly. Think of it as poetic justice.”

For a moment, Denise hesitated. She wasn’t the kind of person who sought revenge, but the memory of Eric’s cold dismissal, the way he had thrown her out, stirred something deep within her. Maybe this wasn’t just about revenge—maybe it was about taking back a little bit of control.

With her heart racing, she found herself nodding. “Alright. Let’s do it.”

That night, they drove to the house that had once been her home. The plan was simple: release the rats and slip out before they were noticed. Denise’s hands trembled as she unlocked the door, and together, they crept upstairs.

As she opened the bag and let the rats loose, Denise felt a strange mix of fear and exhilaration. She could hear Eric and Vanessa asleep just feet away, oblivious to what was about to unfold.

The moment they scurried into the room, Denise and Richard fled back down the stairs, holding their breath until they were safely outside. The night was quiet, but then a scream shattered the stillness. It was Vanessa, shrieking in terror.

Richard burst into laughter, and soon, Denise found herself laughing too. It was cathartic, a release of all the pain and anger she had bottled up. As they drove away, Richard glanced over at her, still grinning.

“How about some breakfast?” he asked.

Denise smiled, the weight of the night finally lifting. “Yeah,” she said. “And let’s make it a proper date next time—no rats involved.”

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