
My MIL Infested My House with Cockroaches to Make Me Look Like a Bad Housekeeper – My Revenge Was Harsh

Elara thought marriage would be her happily ever after—until cockroaches swarmed her home, and her mother-in-law, Agnes, turned life into a living nightmare. But when a dark secret came to light, revealing the true villain, Elara realized that revenge was the only way out.

I’m Elara, and I’ve been married to my husband, Jacob, for just over a year. Life with him has been wonderful for the most part—Jacob is everything I could ask for in a partner: kind, supportive, always there when I need him. But there’s a catch, and that catch is my mother-in-law, Agnes.

From the start, Agnes made it clear she didn’t like me. Whether it was her disapproving looks or passive-aggressive comments, her disdain was unmistakable. I’m not sure what I ever did to deserve it, but she saw me as an intruder in her son’s life, and I knew it.

Still, for Jacob’s sake, I did my best to keep the peace, biting my tongue through her veiled insults. But no amount of patience could prepare me for what came next. Just as I thought I’d learned to manage her, my life took a turn for the worse.

It started with a cockroach here, another there—one scurrying across the kitchen, another on the bathroom floor. Before long, they were everywhere. It felt like our home was under siege. I’d wake up at night, flick on the light, and see one crawling across our bed. The infestation was relentless.

We called pest control, bought traps and sprays, but nothing worked. And to make matters worse, Agnes took every opportunity to criticize me. “Honestly, Elara, how can you let it get this bad? Jacob deserves a clean home.”

Every snide comment was a dagger, twisting deeper with each one. One afternoon, she gasped in exaggerated horror when a roach crawled up the wall. “My goodness, Elara, I can’t imagine how embarrassing this must be for you. I never had this problem when Jacob was growing up.”

The final straw came when she “helpfully” brought over a pile of cleaning supplies, dumping them on the counter with a too-bright smile. “Maybe these will help you get a handle on things,” she said sweetly. I wanted to scream.

But then, one day, Agnes made a mistake. After another one of her “check-ins,” she left her handbag behind. When I went to move it, a receipt fluttered out. It was from a pet store—a specialty shop that sold live reptiles and insects. The item? Live cockroaches.

My blood ran cold. Agnes had been behind the infestation all along, deliberately sabotaging our home. Anger surged through me, but something darker bubbled up with it. I wasn’t just going to confront her—I was going to get revenge.

Fueled by rage, I drove to the same pet store and bought a potent animal attractant. It’s the kind hunters use to lure wild animals from miles away. My plan formed quickly—if Agnes wanted to play dirty, I’d go nuclear.

That night, I snuck over to Agnes’s house. She lived on the edge of town, right near the woods, which made my plan perfect. I spread the attractant all over her yard—on the flower beds, the bushes, even inside the house. By the time I finished, my heart raced with anticipation. I couldn’t wait to see the fallout.

The next morning, Jacob called, half-laughing and half in shock. “Elara, you won’t believe this—Mom’s house was attacked by animals last night!”

I feigned surprise. “Attacked?”

“Yeah, deer, moose, foxes, even birds. They trashed the yard, and everything smells awful. She’s coming to stay with us while they clean it up.”

I froze. This wasn’t part of the plan. But I couldn’t let Jacob see my panic, so I replied calmly, “We’ll make it work.”

When Agnes arrived, the look on her face was priceless—humiliated and furious. And yet, she barely acknowledged me, still throwing me icy glares. But what came next would be even sweeter.

Later that night, I showed Jacob the receipt I’d found. His face darkened with fury. “She’s been planting roaches in our house?” he fumed.

He confronted Agnes immediately, receipt in hand. She tried to deny it, but there was no escaping the truth. “I didn’t mean for it to go this far,” she stammered.

“Well, it did,” Jacob snapped. “You’re paying for pest control and the damage you caused. And until it’s fixed, you’ll live with the roaches you brought into our lives.”

That night, as I lay in bed, I felt a deep, dark satisfaction wash over me. Revenge had never tasted so sweet. Agnes was getting what she deserved—and she’d be sleeping with the roaches for many nights to come.

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