
Newborn Baby Cries All Day No Matter What Parents Do, after a While They Check His Crib…

When Walter returned home from work, the piercing cries of his baby son, Logan, greeted him before he even stepped inside. As he walked in, he found his wife, Abby, sitting at the kitchen table, her face a portrait of exhaustion and frustration.

“Oh, honey,” Walter murmured, wrapping his arms around her from behind. “How long has he been crying like that?”

Abby, near tears herself, replied, “I’ve tried everything, Walter! I fed him, changed him, bathed him, even took his temperature. But nothing works! He just won’t stop crying!”

Becoming parents a month ago had turned their lives upside down, and Logan’s cries were particularly distressing for Walter. He hated seeing his son so upset.

“We’ll figure this out together,” Walter assured her, taking her hand as they made their way to Logan’s room.

Walter approached the crib with a smile, prepared to calm their baby, but what he found was not at all what he expected. Instead of Logan, there was a dictaphone playing the baby’s cries and a note. Walter quickly stopped the recording, and the house fell silent.

Abby rushed in, startled. “What did you do? Where’s Logan?”

Walter didn’t respond. He stood frozen, staring at the note in his hand. Abby grabbed it from him, her eyes scanning the words.

“I warned you that you’d regret being rude to me.
If you want to see your baby again, leave $200,000 in the luggage lockers near the pier.
If you go to the police, you’ll never see him again.”

Abby gasped, her voice shaking. “Who would kidnap Logan? Were we rude to someone?”

Walter’s heart sank as he recalled a heated confrontation at the maternity hospital with a janitor. In a moment of frustration, Walter had insulted the man after accidentally breaking a gift meant for Abby. The janitor had warned him, “You’ll regret this.”

“We need to go to the police,” Walter said, pulling himself out of his thoughts. “I think it’s him.”

“But the note says not to! What if we never see Logan again?” Abby protested.

Walter was determined. “We can’t trust him to return Logan, even if we pay. We’ll have the police investigate and catch him.”

Though hesitant, Abby agreed. But just as they pulled up to the police station, Walter’s phone buzzed with a message:
“This is your last warning. If you go to the police, your kid will end up in the bay. Get the money now.”

Abby gasped in horror. They couldn’t risk it. They had no choice but to pay the ransom.

Walter rushed to the bank to gather the money, but as he prepared to deliver it, Abby’s condition worsened. She was pale, nauseous, and overwhelmed with fear for their child. Reluctantly, Walter drove her home, comforting her as best he could.

Once she was settled, Walter went back to the task at hand, determined to save Logan. He placed the money in the storage locker, just as instructed, and positioned himself nearby, watching for the janitor.

It wasn’t long before Walter spotted the man retrieving the bag. He followed him, weaving through the city until the janitor entered another row of lockers. Walter seized his chance, pinning the janitor to the wall.

“Where’s my son?” Walter growled. “I’ve done what you asked—now give Logan back!”

The janitor looked terrified. “I don’t know about your son! Some guy paid me $100 to pick up the bag and drop it off. I swear, I don’t know anything else!”

Walter, sensing the man was telling the truth, released him. But when he checked the locker, it was empty. Someone had cut a hole in the back and taken the money.

Devastated and out of options, Walter returned home. But when he got there, something was wrong—Abby’s belongings were gone. She hadn’t been kidnapped; she had left, taking Logan with her. Walter’s mind raced, piecing together the betrayal. Abby had been part of the scheme all along.

Heartbroken, Walter called her repeatedly, but she didn’t answer. He couldn’t believe the woman he loved could do something so cruel. But one thing gave him hope: the ransom money had been fake.

Determined to get Logan back, Walter headed to the maternity hospital where he knew he could find someone who could help—Dr. Jones, a man who would do anything for the right price. Walter explained his plan and bribed the doctor to call Abby with a fabricated story.

Minutes later, Dr. Jones dialed Abby’s number. “Mrs. Taylor, this is Dr. Jones. We’ve discovered something concerning in Logan’s tests. He needs immediate treatment for a rare condition.”

Walter listened as Abby panicked on the other end of the line. She had no choice but to bring Logan in. Walter thanked the doctor, paid him, and waited.

Soon, Abby arrived at the hospital, holding Logan. Walter’s heart swelled with both relief and anger as the police, who had been alerted earlier, moved in. Abby and her accomplice, Walter’s brother James, were arrested on the spot.

“You think you’ve won, Walter?” Abby screamed as they cuffed her. “Logan isn’t even yours! You couldn’t give me a baby, but James could!”

Walter’s world shattered, but he looked down at Logan, who was peacefully resting in his arms.

“I don’t care whose blood runs through his veins,” Walter said, his voice steady. “Logan is my son, and I will raise him with all the love he deserves, while you two rot in prison.”

As he walked away from the chaos, cradling his son, Walter knew that no matter what, Logan was his—and nothing could ever take that away.

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