
10 Unbelievably Greedy Wedding Demands That Push All Limits

We’re gathered here today to celebrate… outrageous wedding demands! From pay-per-slice cake to gift registries that rival Christmas wish lists, these wedding tales will make you grateful your invite never arrived. Get ready to laugh, cringe, and maybe even cry, as we dive into 10 weddings where love comes with a hefty price tag!

Weddings: a time for love, joy, and… total insanity? Absolutely! We’ve rounded up 10 jaw-dropping stories of matrimonial madness that will have you questioning the meaning of “I do.” From cash-hungry cousins to outlandish guest demands, these tales will make “bridezilla” seem like an understatement. So grab your popcorn and get ready to witness some unforgettable wedding disasters!

  1. Vegas, Baby! And Don’t Forget to Bring a Gift You’ll Never Use
    My cousin Susy’s wedding was the epitome of audacity. First came the save-the-dates, but when the invites never followed, I reached out to her.

“Oh, we’re doing a small Vegas thing now—money’s tight,” she chirped casually. Fair enough, I thought… until the next week when everyone who didn’t make the cut got a cheerful notice saying, “We’re off to Vegas! Here’s our registry—gifts only, please!”

The kicker? This was the same cousin who had been my maid of honor, and I had paid for all her expenses. Did she return the favor with a gift? Nope! But now she expected me to drop $500 on a kitchen mixer I wouldn’t even see used. Hard pass, Susy. Enjoy Vegas!

  1. When the Maid of Honor’s Dress Costs More Than the Wedding
    I had a budget wedding—$80 dress for me, and a simple $30 gown for my maid of honor. But apparently, that wasn’t fancy enough. My friend decided her dress needed a major makeover, racking up $100 in alterations—making it pricier than my entire bridal outfit.

Then came the shoes. When we went shopping, she was short on cash, so I covered her, assuming she’d pay me back. Big mistake.

“I thought you were treating me!” she said when I asked for repayment. If I’d known I was paying, I would’ve suggested sneakers.

  1. VIP Wedding: Where Half the Guests Got Sheet Cake and the Rest Got Everything
    Ever been to a wedding with a VIP section? I have. These “friends” created a guest tier system worthy of a nightclub.

Tier 1? Full banquet, open bar, and the best seats in the house. Tier 2? Leftovers and a cash bar.

To top it off, the VIPs got fancy fondant cake, while the rest of us were served grocery store sheet cake. The pièce de résistance? A “sponsor our honeymoon” donation box because apparently, treating guests like peasants wasn’t enough. We also had to fund their vacation.

  1. Cash-Only Wedding: When Love Comes with a Venmo Request
    Imagine being invited to a wedding with no registry—just a demand for cold, hard cash. And not just any cash—substantial amounts that made your wallet cry.

Unsurprisingly, guests dropped out faster than you can say “bankruptcy.” The couple? They didn’t even make it to their first anniversary. Turns out, you can’t build a marriage on wedding donations alone. Who knew?

  1. MIL from Hell: When She Tried to Ban Wedding Photos
    My mother-in-law, Daisy, had opinions about our wedding, but her most outrageous demand? “Don’t post any photos on social media. I don’t want my family to see.”

Um, excuse me? We’d already downsized our wedding to an intimate elopement. Now, she was trying to censor our memories?

I bit my tongue and politely told her, “Sorry, Daisy, but those photos are going up faster than you can say ‘I object.’” Crisis averted. Wedding? Perfect. And yes, those photos hit Facebook before the cake was cut.

  1. When a Bad Hair Day Turned into a Wedding Slapfest
    My half-sister Linda demanded identical hairstyles for all her bridesmaids. Never mind that we had a range of hair types. To make matters worse, she scheduled a 5 a.m. appointment at a ridiculously expensive salon miles away.

My mom, trying to save me from the chaos, booked a local salon. Cue the drama. At the rehearsal dinner, Linda and Mom got into a screaming match, ending with Linda kicking me out of the bridal party. But it didn’t stop there. Her mom slapped my mom across the face during dinner. Needless to say, most of our family bailed on the big day. All this over hair!

  1. Destination Wedding Disaster: The Hotel Costs More Than the Ceremony
    Roger and I were all set for our friends’ tropical destination wedding when military duty called and the plans changed to an out-of-state affair. Sounds cheaper, right? Wrong.

The couple demanded we all stay in the same exorbitantly priced hotel, with barely enough rooms for all the guests. After factoring in the travel costs, it was clear this wedding was going to cost us a fortune. At this rate, Roger and I joked about eloping ourselves just to avoid the financial black hole.

  1. Crowdfunding a Boat: Because Toasts Are So Last Season
    My buddy’s cousin Jeremy decided his wedding was the perfect opportunity to fund his dream… of buying a boat. Yes, instead of a traditional gift registry, these two asked guests to contribute towards a luxury yacht.

Forget toasters or towels—these modern pirates were hoping for a ship! If only their honeymoon destination had been as grand as their ambitions. A Mastercraft is nice, but it won’t sail them away from the embarrassment of such a tacky request.

  1. The $1,000 Wedding Entry Fee—Because Love Isn’t Cheap!
    When I opened the wedding invite from an acquaintance, I nearly choked. She requested a minimum cash gift of $1,000 per guest, with explicit instructions to label each gift. Anything less wouldn’t be accepted.

I’m still trying to decide what’s more impressive: her audacity or her math skills. Let’s just say I sent my regrets (and no cash).

  1. Admission Required: Pay for Every Slice of Cake
    Imagine receiving a wedding invitation that looks more like a bill. This couple not only picked a destination venue but also charged admission to their big day. Guests had to pay for everything, right down to the slice of cake.

Surprise, surprise—the wedding was a disaster. Turns out, when you charge people to celebrate your love, they’re less inclined to show up. I hear they’re planning a vow renewal. Count me out!

So there you have it—ten stories that’ll make you appreciate the simpler things in life, like eloping! Got your own tale of wedding day chaos? Share it in the comments!

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