
Woman Sends Money to Brother to Take Care of Old Mom and Learns He Never Spent a Penny on Her

Shirley had always trusted her younger brother, Alex, to take care of their mother when she moved abroad. She believed he cared enough to ensure their mother was well looked after. But everything changed during a visit home a year later, leading to a heartbreaking discovery that turned Shirley’s life plans upside down.

Shirley, a 40-year-old nurse, had left her hometown for better opportunities in the US. Before she moved, she had lived with her aging mother, who had no intention of moving into a nursing home. Shirley’s move abroad meant that someone else needed to be there for her mother, and she entrusted Alex, fresh out of university, with the responsibility.

Before leaving, Shirley had a serious conversation with Alex. “Mom needs someone to stay with her full time. I can’t take her with me; we live in a small apartment with my husband and son,” she explained.

Alex, however, was not keen on living in their rural village with their mother. “I’ll visit her every weekend,” he suggested, “make sure the house is clean and she has food. But I don’t want to live there.”

Reluctantly, Shirley agreed to this arrangement, though she remained concerned about her mother’s well-being.

For the next three years, Alex kept his word, visiting every weekend. But when Shirley came home for the holidays that year, she noticed a dramatic change—her mother, now 65, appeared frail and unable to live on her own any longer.

“We need to come up with a new plan,” Shirley told Alex. “Mom can’t continue living by herself.”

While Alex agreed, he still refused to move to the village. Shirley, eager to ensure her mother was properly cared for, offered a compromise. “How about I send you money every month? You can move in with her, and the money will cover both of you.”

Alex, enticed by the idea, agreed to Shirley’s proposal, giving her some peace of mind as she returned to the US. She hoped her brother would follow through on his promise, even though she knew he enjoyed going out with friends. As she had promised, she sent him money every month, enough to support them both.

However, unbeknownst to Shirley, Alex never moved in with their mother. Instead, he continued his weekend visits, pocketing the money and spending it on himself. Her mother, too proud to burden her daughter, didn’t tell Shirley what was really happening. She didn’t want to cause her any extra worry.

A year later, Shirley planned another trip home but decided to surprise her family by arriving earlier than expected. When she walked through the door, she was shocked to find her mother alone.

“Where’s Alex? Isn’t he supposed to be living here, taking care of you?” Shirley asked, her voice filled with concern.

Her mother sighed, revealing the truth. “He visits now and then, but he never moved in. He spends most of the money you send on himself.”

Furious, Shirley confronted Alex when he showed up later that day. “You promised me you’d take care of mom! How could you leave her alone like this?” she demanded.

Alex shrugged, dismissive of the situation. “There are plenty of elderly people living on their own here, and they manage just fine. Mom’s been doing okay.”

But Shirley wasn’t convinced. She pressed him further about what he had been doing with the money she sent.

Her mother chimed in, revealing what Alex had been hiding. “He’s been gambling it away with his friends. Everyone in the village knows him for it.”

Devastated by her brother’s betrayal, Shirley turned to her husband for advice. “I think we should bring Mom to live with us,” she said, worried about their financial situation but determined to care for her mother.

After much thought, her husband agreed. Shirley then discussed the idea with her mother, who, after some consideration, was willing to sell her house to help them afford a larger apartment. Worried that Alex would demand his share of the sale, Shirley and her mother kept their plans a secret.

By the end of Shirley’s visit, she told Alex they had made other arrangements for their mother’s care. “A neighbor will check on her daily until we figure out the next steps,” she informed him.

“Just put her in a nursing home; she’ll be fine,” Alex retorted, indifferent to his mother’s well-being.

Disappointed in her brother, Shirley returned to the US and began the process of selling their mother’s house. Three months later, her mother arrived to move in with Shirley’s family. They had used the proceeds from the house sale to upgrade to a larger apartment, and Shirley felt an overwhelming sense of relief knowing her mother was finally in good hands.

At the airport, Shirley stood eagerly waiting for her mother’s arrival. As they settled into their new life together, Shirley was grateful that her mother would no longer be alone and could enjoy her remaining years surrounded by family, especially her grandson.

Key Lessons:

  • Trust is earned, not guaranteed. Shirley trusted Alex to care for their mother, but he broke that trust by lying and neglecting his responsibilities.
  • Family takes care of one another. Despite financial concerns, Shirley’s husband agreed to take in her mother, understanding the importance of caring for the elderly when they can no longer care for themselves.

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