
Man Finds Out His Late Wife Had Been Cheating on Him for over 30 Years, So Kids Take DNA Tests

A man recently shared his heartbreaking story on Reddit, revealing that he had discovered his late wife had been unfaithful for over 30 years. This shocking revelation led him to plot an unusual form of revenge.

The man, who married his wife in 1986 after seven years of dating, had always believed he shared a happy life with her. While waiting for the paperwork required to bury her, he began sorting through her belongings, with the help of his son. As they charged her old devices, they stumbled upon a collection of love letters from an unknown man. Further investigation revealed text messages exchanged between his wife and this man, confirming her affair.

The man explained how they met at a holiday camp in Scotland in 1979, eventually moving to her small village after getting married. He worked night shifts while his wife stayed home with their children, and he never suspected she had been unfaithful. Shockingly, the man her wife had been having an affair with was a family friend, someone who frequently visited their home and left before the husband went to work. The affair had begun in the first year of their marriage and lasted until the man’s death, seven years before the wife’s passing. To add insult to injury, the entire village had been aware of the affair, but no one had told him.

The discovery of the affair shattered the man’s world. He learned that the man suspected one of their four children might be his. When the man shared this with his children, opinions were divided. Two wanted to take a DNA test, while the other two were certain he was their father and refused.

Fueled by anger, the husband decided to take revenge on his late wife by refusing to honor her burial wishes. Instead of laying her to rest next to her parents, as she had requested, he buried her 300 miles away in England. The villagers were outraged, but the man remained unmoved, reminding them that they had kept her affair a secret from him.

As the family awaited DNA test results, the man discovered that none of his four sons were biologically his. Each had a different father, and they had unknown half-siblings as well. Armed with this information, the man continued his plan for revenge.

At a church gathering with 250 guests, where a memorial service was supposed to be held for his wife, the man instead exposed several individuals from the village who had been involved with his wife. One by one, he revealed their infidelity, backed by DNA evidence, leaving the community in shock.

The final bombshell came when he exposed the chairperson of the village, a man known for his seemingly perfect marriage, as having fathered a child with the man’s wife. This act of public humiliation was the man’s way of settling the score, and he concluded his post by stating that his revenge was far from over.

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