
My Husband, Who Earns Less than Me, Forced Me to Take a Second Job — So I Chose One That’d Teach Him a Lesson…

When Lisa’s husband, Tom, started pushing her to get a second job, she became suspicious. Tired of his constant nagging, she reluctantly agreed to find one. What she uncovered at her new job would change everything.

At home, Lisa was the primary earner, and though that had never been an issue before, Tom had recently begun pressuring her. “You don’t even leave the house to work,” he said. “You can’t possibly be as tired as I am at the end of the day.”

“But you’re a mechanic, Tom,” Lisa replied, frustrated. “You own your own shop, and you take three days off because you have employees handling everything.”

Tom dismissed the conversation, but the topic kept resurfacing. Lisa confided in her mother during a lunch outing, admitting she didn’t understand why Tom was pushing her so hard. They weren’t struggling financially, and his business seemed to be doing fine. “He’s always hiring new staff and the shop is busy,” she said.

“Maybe his business isn’t doing as well as you think,” her mother suggested.

Lisa shrugged off the idea, though the thought lingered. Everything seemed fine, yet Tom was relentless about her getting another job. His latest demand came during dinner one night when they were discussing getting a new car.

“You need to get that second job, Lisa,” Tom insisted, cutting into his steak.

Lisa was incredulous. “Why me? I already work long hours, and by the end of the day, I’m exhausted. Plus, I handle everything else—cooking, cleaning, errands.”

“Your job is easy,” Tom shot back. “You don’t even leave the house. I’m the one crawling under cars all day.”

When Lisa suggested that he get a second job since he had three days off each week, Tom’s response stunned her. “Then I’d miss bowling with my friends!” he said, as if it were the most obvious reason in the world.

Annoyed but determined, Lisa told him she’d look for a job. Little did Tom know, she had a plan in mind.

The next day, Lisa applied for a job at the bowling alley Tom frequented with his friends. She figured that working there would annoy him enough to regret ever asking her to get a second job. On her first day, she put on the tight, short uniform required by the bowling alley, knowing Tom wouldn’t be pleased.

That evening, before Tom left for bowling, Lisa casually asked if he wanted to have dinner at home before he went. “Sure, make some fish and chips,” he said, not looking up from his phone.

“See you there,” she said with a smile, leaving him confused but shrugging it off.

At the bowling alley, Lisa served drinks and snacks while keeping an eye on Tom, who bowled alone, unaware of her presence. As the night wore on, men at the alley began hitting on her, and Tom finally noticed her in the revealing uniform. His face darkened, and he stormed over.

“What the hell, Lisa?” he demanded. “What are you doing?”

“I’m working, Tom. You wanted me to get a second job, remember?” she said with a smirk.

“This isn’t what I meant!” he yelled, furious.

“Well, I’m getting great tips,” she replied, walking away to serve another table. Tom fumed, but he didn’t want to make a scene.

Halfway through her shift, Lisa’s manager, Ursula, approached her. “Is he bothering you too?” she asked, nodding toward Tom.

“What do you mean?” Lisa asked, puzzled.

Ursula sighed. “That guy has a reputation around here. He’s seduced several of the waitresses. One even had his baby two weeks ago. She’s after him for child support now.”

Lisa’s blood ran cold. Ursula had no idea she was talking to Tom’s wife, so she had no reason to lie. The realization hit Lisa like a ton of bricks: Tom had been pressuring her to get a second job because he needed money for child support.

Furious, Lisa marched over to Tom. “You’re a disgusting human being!” she screamed, slapping him hard across the face.

“What the hell, Lisa?” Tom shouted, holding his cheek.

“You’ve been sleeping with the waitresses here? One of them even had your baby?” she spat, tears streaming down her face.

Tom went pale. “I can explain,” he stammered.

“I don’t care,” Lisa snapped. “Pack your things and get out tonight. Tomorrow, I’m filing for divorce.”

She stormed out of the bowling alley, her heart shattered. The man she thought she knew had been hiding a dark secret all along.

What would you have done in Lisa’s shoes?

If you enjoyed this story, here’s another one for you: I Caught My Husband with His Mistress in a Hotel — This Is a Romantic Trip They Will Never Forget.

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