
Woman Blocks Man Following Their 1st Date in Which He Paid for Their $500+ Dinner

A woman blocked a man after their first date didn’t go as planned, feeling he crossed boundaries and tested her financially. She shared her experience on Reddit, seeking validation from the community about her actions.

Many women have shared their first-date horror stories online, and this woman’s encounter was particularly unforgettable. She and the man dined at an upscale restaurant of her choice. After he paid the entire bill, she blocked him and refused to give him another chance.

Initially, when the man asked her on a date, she hadn’t given much thought to where they would eat. However, when he inquired about her favorite restaurant, she honestly named an expensive establishment. She made it clear that the restaurant was pricey and suggested they could go somewhere more casual, like a Mexican restaurant with great food at a better price. Her favorite restaurant typically costs around $500 on average.

Despite the high price, the man insisted on dining at her favorite spot, eager to try the food. The woman, who usually reserved this restaurant for special occasions, found it unnecessary for a first date. She was more interested in learning about his personality and values than enjoying an extravagant meal.

On the date, they ordered appetizers, main courses, drinks, and even dessert. The conversation flowed, and everything seemed to be going well. When the bill arrived, she offered to split it, explaining that she felt hesitant because he had insisted on going to the expensive restaurant after reading the menu.

Typically, she asked for separate checks on first dates, believing that a man might not want to pay for a meal if he wasn’t interested in her. Both of them placed their cards on the table, but when the server came to collect them, the man grabbed her card and said he’d cover both checks. Then he looked at her card and remarked, “Oh, now I finally know your last name.”

This comment made her uncomfortable. As a bartender, she handles many transactions and has seen coworkers quickly memorize card details, which could lead to fraud. She didn’t appreciate him looking at her card and felt her privacy had been violated.

Additionally, she was annoyed that he’d changed his mind about splitting the bill. She suspected he was testing her to see if she would pay half of the $250 total, making her feel as though he was trying to gauge if she was a “golddigger.” This upset her, especially since she had told him from the start that they didn’t need to go to such an expensive place for a first date.

After dinner, she thanked him, went home, and immediately blocked him. The fact that he looked at her card without her permission was the final straw for her, as she hadn’t wanted to reveal her last name.

After posting her story on Reddit, she received a mix of reactions. Some users fully supported her decision to block the man, agreeing that he made her feel uncomfortable and disrespected her privacy. Others, however, thought she might be overthinking the situation. In response to the feedback, she sent the man money for her portion of the bill, reiterating that she hadn’t pressured him to dine at the expensive restaurant and would have been just as happy with a simple Mexican dinner. She reflected on the experience, learning a valuable lesson for future dates.

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