
Linda Inherits Grandma’s Old Clocks and Greedy Brother Gets House, Turns Out She Got Almost $200K…

When Ruby’s daughter Cindy starts mentioning a mysterious “friend” named William who always seems to be around when she visits her grandmother, Ruby assumes it’s someone familiar. But when Cindy explains that this “friend” is someone she’s never seen, Ruby is shocked—because William was the name of Ruby’s father, who passed away years ago.

I’ve always been close to my family. As an only child, my parents were incredibly supportive, attending every field hockey game and every school meeting. Even when I went to college, they stayed involved, visiting often and bringing me home-cooked meals.

But when my father passed away, everything changed.

Now, I have my own family—a husband, and our six-year-old daughter, Cindy. Since Dad’s death, my mother hasn’t been the same. She used to be vibrant and full of life, always painting and wearing her signature dungarees. But when we buried my father, that light inside her seemed to fade.

My mom now spends more time with Cindy, cherishing every moment with her granddaughter. Sometimes I drop Cindy off at her place, or she picks her up and brings her back after a day of fun. But lately, when Mom drops Cindy off, something strange happens—Cindy starts crying and avoids her grandmother, which has left me feeling uneasy.

I decided to talk to Cindy about it one afternoon while we were baking together, her favorite activity.

“Honey,” I began gently, adding flour to the bowl, “why do you cry when grandma brings you home? Did something happen?”

Cindy hesitated for a moment before answering, “It’s because of grandma’s friend. He’s always around.”

I was confused. “What friend, sweetie? Grandma is usually alone with you.”

Cindy smiled a little and replied, “But Grandma always says to say hello to William before we eat. I’ve never seen him though. Who is William?”

I felt a chill run through me. William was my father’s name.

Trying not to show my shock, I reassured Cindy, “There’s nothing to worry about. Let’s finish making these cupcakes.”

The next day, I went to visit my mom. After making some snacks for Dean and Cindy, who were busy with a movie marathon, I left to have an important conversation with her. When I asked about what Cindy had told me, my mom’s face softened, and her eyes filled with tears.

“I didn’t mean to scare her,” she said softly.

“What’s going on, Mom?” I asked, concerned.

She took my hand and explained, “I still feel your father’s presence. It started as a way to cope after his death, and sometimes I talk to him. I never meant to confuse Cindy.”

My heart broke for my mom. I hadn’t realized how deeply she was still grieving.

“I understand that you miss him, but Cindy doesn’t understand it the same way,” I said gently.

We spent the next few hours reminiscing about my dad, sharing memories and comforting each other. I encouraged my mom to sit down with Cindy and explain things to her directly.

In the weeks that followed, my mom had that important conversation with Cindy. She helped her understand that Grandpa William was not an invisible friend, but a cherished memory. Mom also started seeing a therapist to help work through her grief, which has made a huge difference. She’s even begun painting again, something she and Cindy now enjoy doing together.

Cindy quickly returned to her happy self, and their relationship was restored. While Mom still talks to Dad, she now does it in private, and our family is slowly healing.

We’re moving forward together, one step at a time, and finding peace after loss.

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