
My Partner Learned I Rent Out the House My Dad Gifted Me and Demands 50 Percent of the Money

A young woman, aged 18, allowed her boyfriend of three months to move into her apartment without telling him a significant detail—she owned the two-story building and was renting out the lower floor. When her boyfriend eventually found out that she was the landlord, his reaction took her by surprise.

The woman had been fortunate enough to inherit the two-story property from her father. Rather than live extravagantly, she saw the opportunity to create a source of passive income. She rented out the lower floor for $500 a month while living on the second floor herself. Given the property’s location—an hour away from the city and 15 minutes from the nearest store—she considered the rent fair, especially since a similar place could easily fetch between $600 and $700.

At the time, her boyfriend was struggling with his living situation and didn’t want to return to his parents’ home. Out of care and support, she invited him to live with her, offering a stable place to stay. They split the grocery bills evenly, but she didn’t ask him to contribute to rent or utilities, believing that her financial arrangement was something personal and not necessary to share right away.

For three months, they lived together harmoniously, with the boyfriend unaware that his partner was the landlord. The situation took a turn, however, when her tenant came knocking on their door one day. The tenant’s freezer had broken down, and as the woman went downstairs to address the issue, her boyfriend overheard the conversation.

Once she returned, her boyfriend asked for an update. She casually explained that the freezer couldn’t be fixed, so the tenant would buy a new one, which she would reimburse. When he asked why she was responsible for the cost, she simply replied, “Because I’m her landlord.”

The revelation didn’t sit well with him. He immediately grew angry, accusing her of hiding the truth from him. He went on a tirade about landlords, saying they only care about money and calling her manipulative for keeping it a secret. Despite her apologies, he lashed out, demanding that she give him half of the rent she collected from the tenant.

His reasoning? “If you’re not renting the place just to take people’s money, then you should have no problem sharing it with me,” he argued. His demand for half of her rental income left her shocked, especially since he had previously claimed that landlords were greedy.

The argument escalated further, with him giving her the silent treatment and eventually threatening to expose her to her friends. When she refused to give in to his demands, he grew more aggressive, even trying to punch a hole in the wall.

At that point, the woman realized their relationship was beyond repair. She called her father for support, who arrived and waited by the driveway as she tried to talk things through with her boyfriend. But the conversation didn’t go well. He lashed out again, telling her he regretted ever meeting her and storming out, saying he never wanted to see her again.

After the confrontation, the woman made the difficult but necessary decision to end the relationship. She reflected on how things had escalated and realized that she didn’t need someone in her life who would react with such entitlement and aggression. Concerned for her safety, several Reddit users advised her to change the locks in case her ex-boyfriend still had access to the apartment.

In the end, the woman stood her ground, refusing to let someone take advantage of her property or undermine her independence. She chose her own well-being over a toxic relationship, showing strength in the face of manipulation.

Was she right to refuse to give him half of her rent income? What would you have done in her situation?

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