
My Boyfriend ‘Forgets’ His Credit Card Every Time We Go Out To Eat, So I Have To Pay For Everyone…

A 32-year-old woman had been dating her 39-year-old boyfriend, who had two young children, for nine months. Their relationship had taken a serious turn recently, especially concerning a recurring issue that led to a massive argument.

Each time they went out to eat, which was a weekly tradition because his kids loved dining out, her boyfriend would conveniently “forget” his wallet at home. Initially, this didn’t bother the woman much, but over time, it became a significant financial strain as she repeatedly paid for their meals. Her frustration reached a tipping point when, after a particularly stressful month, she decided to take a stand.

The situation escalated one evening when, after receiving a payment from her second part-time job, the woman and her boyfriend, along with his children, went to a restaurant. Given the pattern of forgotten wallets, she texted him to remind him to bring his wallet, but he dismissed her reminder with a laugh.

At the restaurant, after ordering expensive dishes, the woman asked her boyfriend to ensure he had his wallet. He pretended to search his pockets, eventually admitting he had “forgotten” it in another pair of jeans. Fed up, the woman decided she had enough and prepared to leave the restaurant without eating.

Her boyfriend was taken aback when she announced she was leaving. He demanded to know what she was doing, and she explained she was not going to cover the bill once again. She left the restaurant, leaving him and his children behind.

Later, her boyfriend called, accusing her of being selfish and abandoning him and his children. He was upset that she left them in a difficult situation and had to cancel their order, sending his children home hungry. He insisted that her actions demonstrated a lack of consideration for his kids.

When the woman shared her experience on Reddit, she faced a mix of opinions. Many Redditors agreed that her boyfriend seemed to be exploiting her generosity and that her response was justified.

What would you have done in this situation?

The woman’s decision to walk out rather than cover the bill yet again was an act of asserting her boundaries. Paying for every meal while her boyfriend repeatedly “forgot” his wallet clearly became untenable. While it might have been more diplomatic to discuss her concerns with him after the meal, her frustration was understandable given the repeated pattern of behavior.

Ultimately, it appears that her boyfriend was taking advantage of her, and his reaction to the situation indicated a lack of responsibility and respect. Setting boundaries and asserting fairness in the relationship seemed necessary for her to address the issue effectively.

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