
My MIL Intentionally Sent Me Faded Flowers for My Birthday with a Nasty Note

Emily had always had issues with Denise, her mother-in-law. But when Emily’s birthday came around and her husband, Evan, had to leave on a business trip, she was left to celebrate on her own. Denise, however, decided to take matters into her own hands, giving Emily a birthday gift that turned out to be anything but thoughtful.

We all have stories about difficult mothers-in-law, but Denise has taken the cake. I’ve been dealing with her for over five years now, and it hasn’t been easy. My husband, Evan, and I come from very different backgrounds, and that was the first ingredient in the recipe for disaster.

Evan grew up in an affluent suburb, while I was raised by a single mom in a rough neighborhood where even our clothes were at risk of being stolen off the line. To top it off, I’m a mixed-race woman, something Denise never let me forget.

“You must get your hair from your mother’s side,” she’d say with a smile that never reached her eyes.

Despite Evan’s unwavering love and constant defense of me, Denise never missed an opportunity to remind him that he could have done better.

“I bet you a spa day, Emily,” Evan once said as we were driving to his mother’s house for dinner. “She’s going to mention something about one of my ex-girlfriends or suggest that I could’ve made a better choice.”

“You’re on,” I replied, bracing myself.

Naturally, Evan was right. Not even fifteen minutes into the dinner, Denise brought up an ex.

“Evan, did you know Laila has moved back home? She’s staying with her parents while her apartment is being renovated. You should meet her for coffee.”

We always laughed it off, but recently, Denise crossed a line that changed everything.

A few weeks ago, it was my 29th birthday, and unfortunately, Evan had to leave for a week-long business trip. I wasn’t upset because Evan always made up for it with surprises and gifts, so rescheduling my birthday plans didn’t bother me.

“I’ll make it up to you when I’m back, Emily,” he promised as he packed his suitcase. “I swear, my love.”

“Relax,” I laughed, helping him fold his ties. “I know, Evan. Just focus on work.”

Denise knew Evan would be away and seemed unusually interested in my weekend plans.

“So, Emily, what will you be doing while Evan’s gone?” she asked on the phone.

“I have plans with my mom and some friends,” I replied politely. “But I’ll be home that evening.”

“Oh, good!” she exclaimed. “I’ve prepared a big surprise for you!”

Her interest caught me off guard. Evan always hoped his mother would come around and finally accept me.

“It’s just a matter of time, Em,” he’d say. “She’ll come around, I promise.”

Maybe my birthday would be the catalyst for that change.

When my birthday arrived, I started the day with brunch with friends and then met my mom for mimosas and manicures. It was the perfect way to feel special even without Evan by my side.

“So, Denise has something planned for you?” my mom asked as she picked out her nail color.

“Apparently so,” I replied, hopeful. “Maybe it’s something sweet and thoughtful that will bring us closer.”

“I love your optimism, darling,” Mom said. “But don’t get your hopes up. Denise is tricky, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I won’t, Mom,” I assured her. “I’m just going with the flow. But if she does something nasty, I’ll tell Evan. He needs to know the truth.”

As I drove home, I was in a good mood. I pulled into the driveway and noticed a delivery van parked across the street.

Denise’s surprise had arrived.

I rushed to the door and waited for the delivery person to approach. Moments later, a man stepped out of the van, rummaged in the back, and then walked up to me with my delivery.

He was carrying a large, wilting bouquet of faded flowers. The petals were brown and curling, the stems so weak they could barely support the dying blossoms.

“Wow,” I whispered, stunned.

Attached to one of the stems was a note.

“This is what will happen to your marriage to Evan. It will wither and die. You don’t deserve him.—Denise.”

I felt the world crumble around me.

“I’m sorry,” the delivery man said gently. “I’m just doing my job.”

I nodded, holding the pathetic bouquet in my trembling hands as tears streamed down my face. I walked into the living room, unable to move, rooted to the spot.

I didn’t deserve this. No one did. Just as I was about to collapse in tears, I heard the front door open.

“Emily? Honey? What’s wrong?” Evan’s voice rang out.

I looked up, and there he was, standing in the doorway with his suitcase at his feet, a shocked look on his face. He had come home to surprise me, but instead of finding me smiling, he found me in tears, clutching the cruel reminder of his mother’s hatred.

Evan’s face hardened as he took in the scene. He walked over, gently took the flowers from my hands, and read the note.

“What the hell?” he exclaimed, the color draining from his face.

“I told you,” I said through my tears. “She hates me.”

“I’m so sorry, Emily,” he said, his voice thick with anger. “She’s gone too far this time. We’re going to teach her a lesson.”

Later that evening, Evan called his mother while we sat on the couch.

“Mom, Em was so touched by your gesture today. She told me all about the flowers and really appreciated them. But I feel terrible that I couldn’t be there on her birthday. Would you mind coming over for dinner tomorrow? I’ll order the food and meet you there when I get in from my trip.”

Denise’s delighted voice echoed through the phone.

“Oh, of course, honey! I’d love to be there! Emily must be so lonely. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The next day, Evan took over all the planning.

“You just relax with a book, and I’ll handle everything,” he said with a smile.

By the time I had changed into a dress and walked into the living room, our apartment was transformed into a floral wonderland. Evan had called in every favor, and now roses of every color filled every corner, turning our home into something out of a romantic movie.

“This is the kind of flowers you deserve,” Evan said, holding a bottle of red wine.

As evening approached, everything was in place under Evan’s watchful eye. The soft glow of candles illuminated the roses, filling the air with their sweet fragrance.

Right on time, Denise arrived, ringing the doorbell.

Evan opened the door, and when Denise saw him, her jaw dropped.

“Oh, Evan! What are you doing here? Weren’t you supposed to be on a business trip? And what’s going on here?” she asked, finally noticing the flowers behind Evan.

Her eyes widened, her mouth fell open, and for once in her life, Denise was utterly speechless.

“Mom, I wanted to show you what our marriage really looks like. Those wilted flowers you sent? That’s not us. That’s you. Our marriage is blooming and will continue to do so, whether you like it or not.”

“Well, it’s certainly extravagant, Evan,” she said, regaining her composure. “But don’t you think this is a bit much?”

“Not at all,” Evan replied firmly. “Now, if you don’t mind, I have a birthday dinner to enjoy with my wife.”

“You’ve turned my son against me,” Denise hissed at me.

“No, Denise,” I said calmly. “You did that all on your own.”

“Please leave now,” Evan added. “We’ll see you when you’ve realized how much you’ve messed up.”

Denise left in a huff, and Evan brought out a birthday cake for me.

“I’ve ordered your favorite Thai food,” he said. “It should be here soon.”

In the weeks that followed, Denise’s attitude changed. She became distant, and while she never directly apologized, her usual snide comments and passive-aggressive behavior ceased.

What would you have done?

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