
My Dads Entitled Girlfriend Mocks My Stuttering until She Finds Out Who I Am – It Was Time to Dot the I’s

I thought it was going to be a regular day at work, but it quickly took a turn when a stranger mocked me for something beyond my control. When I discovered who she was, I didn’t hold back in calling her out. The best part? My father stood by my side.

We’ve all heard the saying that if your partner mistreats service workers, it’s a red flag. It reveals how they view people they consider beneath them. I learned this firsthand during an unexpected and eye-opening encounter.

I had been working at a restaurant for about a year while juggling my Anthropology studies. I’d often sneak in some studying between orders or during slow periods. But on this particular busy evening, I hadn’t had a moment to touch my books, and the stress was creeping in.

That’s when she walked in—a middle-aged woman in a red dress, exuding an air of entitlement. I felt a knot of anxiety tighten in my stomach. Despite the nerves, I approached her with my usual courtesy, ready to take her order. “Good evening! I’m Alice. May I take your order, please?” I greeted her with a warm smile, hoping it would ease the tension I felt radiating from her.

But instead of softening, her eyes narrowed as she looked me up and down with obvious disdain. “And what is this look you’re sporting? Where’s your apron?” she snapped.

I felt my throat tighten, my old stutter threatening to surface. “M-ma’am, I, I’m…” I tried to respond, but she cut me off with a dramatic roll of her eyes.

“I can’t HEAR you! Do you speak proper English? God, I’ll fire you the moment I own this little shack,” she spat out, her voice dripping with condescension.

I was stunned, on the verge of tears, trying to process what she had just said. What did she mean by “owning” the restaurant? I was about to defend myself and the establishment she so rudely dismissed when something unexpected happened.

My dad’s voice rang out from behind her. “Oh, you two have already met—perfect!”

Met? What was he talking about? The woman, who had been so full of herself just moments before, suddenly began to stutter, her confidence evaporating. “H-h-honey, what do you mean?” she stammered, her previous bravado nowhere to be found.

My dad walked over, smiling warmly. “You still don’t get it? This is my daughter, Alice!” he said, pulling me into a one-armed hug.

Her face turned crimson as she glanced back at me, her arrogance replaced by flustered embarrassment. It was in that moment that I realized the most interesting part of the evening was about to begin.

With my father by my side, my earlier fear disappeared. I looked her in the eye and smiled widely. “Please, continue with what you were saying, ma’am. What was that about firing me when you own this, what did you call it again? Ah, yes—this ‘shack’?” I asked, my voice steady and confident.

She fumbled for words, trying to recover. “Oh, darling, you misunderstood. I was just joking!”

My father’s expression darkened as he started piecing things together. “What exactly were you joking about, Donna?” he asked.

She forced a smile, the kind that only made her look more insincere. “I was just… I didn’t mean any harm,” she tried to explain, but her voice lacked the conviction it once had.

“Oh, so you can s-s-stutter too, but others can’t?” I replied, echoing her earlier tone.

My dad stood there, silent and processing what had just unfolded. I turned to him, my heart pounding, but determined. “Dad, I’m sorry, but it seems your taste in women has failed since Mom.”

Donna reached out to him, desperation creeping into her voice. “Please, honey, it was a misunderstanding,” she pleaded, her facade crumbling.

He shook his head, disappointment clear in his eyes. “I simply cannot believe you would speak to my daughter—or anyone—like that. Is this really how you treat people when you think no one’s watching?”

Donna’s eyes widened as she realized her actions had backfired spectacularly. I stood there with my arms crossed, feeling a surge of confidence as I watched her try to squirm out of the situation.

“No, no, I didn’t mean it like that. I was just having a bad day!” she insisted, her voice shaky.

“Even a bad day doesn’t justify your behavior, Donna. You’ve shown me who you really are,” my father said, his voice tinged with sadness.

“And it’s not a pretty sight,” I added, standing firm by my dad’s side.

“Please, give me another chance. I promise I’ll do better,” Donna begged, all traces of her earlier arrogance gone. It was clear she hadn’t expected to be exposed for who she really was.

A part of me felt a twinge of pity for her. It was obvious she cared for my dad, but her treatment of me spoke volumes about her character. How many others had she belittled in the same way?

But in the end, it didn’t matter. “First impressions last,” as they say, and Donna had made hers clear.

My dad looked at her with a mix of sadness and resolve. “No, I think it’s best if we part ways. I can’t be with someone who disrespects my daughter and others like that.”

“Goodbye, and enjoy your last meal here, because you’re no longer welcome,” I said, feeling a newfound strength.

Donna’s face twisted with anger and humiliation, but she said nothing as she stormed out of the restaurant. My dad turned to me, his expression softening. “I’m so sorry, Alice. I had no idea she was like that.”

“It’s okay, Dad. I’m just glad you know now,” I replied, relieved that the truth had come out.

We hugged, and the other patrons, who had been watching the scene unfold, began to clap. I felt proud, knowing I had stood up for myself, and even prouder that my dad had my back.

As the restaurant quieted down, my dad and I sat together, sharing a cup of coffee. The confrontation was still fresh in our minds, but we found comfort in each other’s company.

“Dad, why didn’t you ever tell her about me?” I asked, curious.

He sighed, stirring his coffee. “I wanted to, but it never seemed like the right time. I didn’t think she would react like that.”

“Well, now you know,” I said, a hint of bitterness in my voice. “It’s not the first time someone’s mocked my stutter, but it hurt more coming from someone you cared about.”

He reached across the table, taking my hand in his. “I’m so proud of you, my angel. You’ve grown into such a strong and resilient young woman.”

His words warmed my heart, and I smiled. “Thanks, Dad. That means a lot.”

Seeing how heartbroken my dad was, I reached out to hug him tightly. “I’m sorry, Dad.”

“Thanks, pumpkin,” he smiled sadly. “I did care for her. We were together for almost a year, and I thought she was the one… until today.”

I was sad for my dad, but also relieved that Donna wouldn’t be a part of our lives. Something told me that my stutter would have been the least of my worries with her around. Luckily, fate had intervened.

As the evening wore on, we talked about everything and nothing. The restaurant staff, who had witnessed the drama, gave me nods of approval and supportive smiles. I felt a deep sense of belonging and pride.

A few days later, life at the restaurant returned to normal. The regulars came and went, the kitchen hummed with activity, and I moved with a renewed sense of purpose.

One night, as I was closing up, my dad approached me with a thoughtful expression. “I’ve been thinking about what happened with Donna,” he said.

“Yeah?” I looked up from wiping down a table.

“I realized I’ve been too focused on finding someone new, and I haven’t been paying enough attention to you,” he admitted.

“Dad, it’s okay. I want you to be happy,” I replied, meaning every word.

He shook his head. “No, it’s not okay. I need to be there for YOU more. You’ve always been there for me, and I want to do the same for you.”

I felt a lump in my throat, touched by his sincerity. “Thanks, Dad. That means a lot.”

We hugged again, our bond stronger than ever. The restaurant was no longer just a place of work; it was a place of growth, resilience, and family.

The incident with Donna taught me that people’s true colors always come out in the end. And when they do, they have to face the consequences. For me, it was a victory—knowing I had the strength to stand up for myself and the unwavering support of my dad.

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