
A Note from the Delivery Guy Made Me Install Security Cameras around My House – I’ll Forever Be Grateful to Him

The delivery guy’s hastily scribbled note sent me rushing to the backyard trash cans, where I uncovered something chilling. His cryptic warning may have saved my family from a terrifying fate, but the danger was far from over.

I often order food delivery when I’m too tired to cook for my kids. Over time, we grew close to Ravi, the delivery guy in our neighborhood. He’d always chat with Kai and Isla, high-fiving them before heading out. But last Tuesday night was different.

When Ravi arrived, he seemed unusually tense. He shoved the food into my hands, barely making eye contact, and bolted back to his car without saying a word.

“What’s up with Ravi?” Kai asked, watching from the window as Ravi’s car sped off.

I shrugged, puzzled. “No idea, buddy. Maybe he’s in a hurry.”

As I unpacked the food in the kitchen, I noticed something on the back of the bag. Scribbled in shaky handwriting was a message that made my heart skip a beat.


I quickly set the food down and turned to my kids. “Hey, why don’t you two go wash up? I’ll get everything ready.”

Once they were out of sight, I bolted to the backyard. The message kept echoing in my mind as I approached the trash cans. My hands trembled as I lifted the lid of the first one.

It was just our regular garbage. Nothing out of the ordinary. But as I moved to the second can, dread began to claw at me. I threw open the lid and froze.

Inside, wrapped in a dirty old blanket, was a collection of gloves, small tools, and a bottle filled with some kind of liquid, its label missing.

“Mom? Are you okay?” Isla’s voice startled me.

I quickly slammed the lid shut and forced a smile as I turned around. “Yeah, sweetie. Just… checking something. Go on inside, I’ll be right there.”

As soon as Isla was gone, I pulled out my phone and dialed the sheriff’s office.

“Sheriff’s Department, this is Leona speaking.”

“Leona, it’s Nora. I need you to come over right away. I found something suspicious in my trash.”

“Slow down, Nora. What exactly did you find?”

I described the contents of the trash can, my voice barely steady.

“Don’t touch anything,” Leona said, her tone serious. “I’m on my way. Stay inside with your kids until I get there.”

I hung up and headed back inside. Our neighborhood had recently been hit by a string of break-ins, all with similar methods—chemicals to weaken locks, meticulous clean-up of any evidence.

The horrifying realization hit me: my house was being set up as the next target.

“Mom, what’s going on?” Kai asked as I returned to the kitchen. “You look scared.”

I forced another smile. “Everything’s fine, honey. Let’s just eat dinner, okay?”

We had barely started eating when there was a knock at the door. I jumped up, relieved to see Leona through the peephole.

“Kids, stay here and finish your dinner,” I said, stepping outside to talk to her.

Leona listened intently as I recounted what I had found and Ravi’s strange behavior.

“You did the right thing by calling me,” Leona said, her eyes scanning the street. “I’ll take a look at what’s in your trash and get it to the lab. In the meantime, I recommend upgrading your home security. We’ll also keep a patrol on your house overnight, just in case they still try something.”

I nodded, already planning my next steps. “I’ll call a security company first thing in the morning.”

Leona placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “Try to get some rest, Nora. We’ll figure this out.”

But rest was the last thing on my mind that night. I spent hours researching security systems, jumping at every little noise outside. By morning, I was a jittery mess, fueled by caffeine and anxiety.

As soon as it was 8 a.m., I called the first security company on my list. “Hi, I need cameras installed around my house. Today, if possible.”

“Ma’am, our earliest available slot is next week—”

“You don’t understand,” I cut in, my voice shaking. “I think someone’s planning to break into my home. I need those cameras now.”

There must have been something in my tone because the receptionist softened. “Let me see what I can do. Can you hold for a moment?”

After what felt like an eternity, she came back on the line. “We’ve had a cancellation. Our team can be there in two hours. Will that work?”

I nearly cried with relief. “Yes, thank you. Thank you so much.”

The next few hours were a blur. I called in sick to work, kept the kids home from school, and paced the house until the security team arrived.

As they worked, installing cameras and explaining the system to me, I couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Every car that drove by, every person walking their dog—they all seemed suspicious now.

Just as the security team was finishing up, Leona’s patrol car pulled into my driveway. She got out, her expression grim.

“Nora, can we talk inside?”

My stomach dropped as I led her into the house. “Kids, why don’t you go play in your rooms for a bit?”

Once they were out of earshot, Leona spoke. “The lab results came back on those items we found. The liquid in the bottle? It’s a powerful corrosive, often used to weaken locks.”

I sank onto the couch, my legs suddenly weak. “So it’s true. They were planning to break in.”

Leona nodded. “It looks that way. But you’ve done everything right. You’ve got cameras now, and you’re aware of the threat. We’re increasing patrols in the area too.”

“What about Ravi?” I asked. “Should I talk to him?”

“If you see him, yes. But be cautious. We don’t know if he’s involved or just an observant bystander.”

As if on cue, I spotted Ravi pulling up to my neighbor’s house. “He’s here now,” I said, moving to the window.

Leona joined me. “Go talk to him. I’ll watch from here.”

I stepped outside, my heart pounding. Ravi was just getting back onto his bike when he saw me.

“Hey,” I called out, trying to keep my voice steady. “Got a minute?”

Ravi hesitated, then nodded. As he approached, I could see the tension in his shoulders.

“Look,” he said before I could speak, “I’m sorry about yesterday. I should have said something, but I was scared.”

“Scared of what?” I asked, though I had a pretty good idea.

Ravi glanced around nervously. “After I parked, I saw these guys messing with your trash. They didn’t look right, you know? I wanted to warn you, but I was afraid they might still be around.”

Relief washed over me. “That’s why you left the note?”

He nodded. “Yeah. I’m sorry if I scared you. I just didn’t know what else to do.”

“Ravi,” I said, my voice thick with gratitude. “You might have saved my family. Thank you.”

His shoulders relaxed slightly. “Really? You’re not mad?”

I shook my head. “Not at all. In fact, I owe you big time.”

As Ravi drove away, I felt a mix of gratitude and lingering fear. The threat wasn’t over, but at least now I knew I wasn’t facing it alone.

Back inside, Leona was on the phone, speaking in hushed tones. She hung up as I approached.

“We’ve got some leads based on Ravi’s description,” she said. “We’ll catch these guys, Nora. Just stay vigilant.”

That night, after tucking Kai and Isla into bed, I sat in front of the new security monitors. The cameras showed empty streets and quiet yards, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that somewhere out there, someone was watching, waiting for their chance.

I thought about Ravi’s quick thinking, Leona’s dedication, and my own newfound resolve. Whatever came next, we’d face it together. For now, all I could do was watch and wait, grateful for the unexpected allies who had helped keep my family safe.

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