
My Colleague Sent Me a Photo of My Fiancé Chilling with His Ex in a Spa Resort — My Revenge Was Harsh

Planning a wedding is supposed to be magical, right? That is, until my colleague sent me a damning photo that froze everything: my fiancé, cozying up with his ex at a spa. My revenge? Just as brutal as his betrayal. And trust me, I got the last laugh!

I was supposed to be this overjoyed bride-to-be, busy planning the wedding of my dreams. I had the dress, the venue, and even started obsessing over the DJ playlist. But all of that? Completely derailed by one photo I never expected…

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. I was lounging on the couch, half-watching some reality TV show, scrolling through Instagram. The show droned on in the background—some ridiculous couple arguing over wedding plans. Ironically, I thought to myself, “At least Mark and I don’t have silly arguments like that.”

Suddenly, my phone buzzed. It was a message from Claire, a quiet colleague from work. We’re not exactly close, but she’s the type who’s always polite.

Her message read:
“Hey Cathy, sorry if this is overstepping, but isn’t this your fiancé? I think I recognize him from the company Christmas party.”

Attached was a photo. And let me tell you, for five minutes straight, I just stared at it. There was Mark, my loving fiancé, lounging poolside at a fancy spa resort, looking as relaxed as ever.

And sitting next to him? None other than Amanda, his ex. They looked cozy, like something out of a vacation commercial, while I had been led to believe he was visiting his mom for the weekend.

My first reaction wasn’t tears or a dramatic outburst. Nope. It was pure, unfiltered rage. But here’s the thing about me: I don’t scream. I get smart.

I didn’t text him. I didn’t call. I waited for Monday when he was supposed to come home. The moment he walked through the door, looking all innocent and tired, I was ready.

He gave me this big grin and said, “Hey, babe! Missed you. How was your weekend?”

“Oh, you know,” I replied casually, “Not as relaxing as yours, I bet.”

His face twitched slightly, but he still hadn’t caught on. He kissed my cheek and asked, “What do you mean?”

I pulled out my phone, showing him the incriminating photo. His eyes widened, and it was as if his soul left his body.

“Cathy, wait… I can explain!” he stammered, “It’s not what it looks like! Amanda was just… it’s not like that, I swear!”

“Really?” I asked, barely containing my sarcasm. “So while I thought you were visiting your mom, you were chilling at a spa with your ex? Nice.”

Panicking, he mumbled through a series of half-baked excuses. “It was a mistake! I swear, Cathy. It won’t happen again. I’ll do anything to make this right!”

This was my moment. I looked at him, pretending to be thoughtful. “Okay, let’s say I believe you. You’ll have to prove it.”

His eyes lit up, thinking he might actually get away with this. “Anything! Just name it.”

“Great! You can start by coming on a hike with me tomorrow. You know how much I love hiking.”

Now, let me clarify: Mark is the least outdoorsy person ever. But without hesitation, he said, “Absolutely. What time?”

“5 a.m. sharp,” I replied, smiling sweetly.

The next morning, we started on the steepest, most grueling trail I could find. Ten minutes in, he was already panting and asking, “How much longer?”

“Oh, we’ve barely begun!” I chirped, knowing full well he was dying inside.

By the two-hour mark, he was pleading for breaks, drenched in sweat, while I kept pushing him forward. “You wanted to prove yourself, right?”

Eight exhausting hours later, we finally reached the summit. He collapsed on a rock, gasping for air, and looked at me, hopeful. “See? I did it! I told you I’d prove I can change!”

I knelt down beside him, kissed his cheek, and smiled sweetly. “We’re done, Mark.”

His face went from pure exhaustion to sheer shock. “Wait, what?”

“You heard me. I’m not marrying you. I wanted to see how far you’d go to save yourself, and now I know. Goodbye, Mark. Hope Amanda was worth it.”

As I stood up and started heading down the mountain, he scrambled to his feet, yelling, “You can’t leave me up here! I don’t even have the car keys!”

Without looking back, I called, “Don’t worry, I left them at the top!” Except I hadn’t. I drove the car home and left him stranded.

By the time he finally made it back, exhausted and humiliated, all of his stuff was packed and waiting on the porch with a note:

“Thanks for the hike! I’ve changed the locks. Enjoy your new life—without me.”

To top it off, I included a little P.S.:
“My new Rottweiler might want to have a word if you show up here again.”

So, that’s how I dealt with my cheating fiancé. And trust me, it felt fantastic. Mark was forced to call his ex to pick him up, which was the cherry on top of this revenge sundae.

As for me? I’m enjoying my newfound freedom and already planning my next adventure. Maybe a solo trip to Europe. No cheaters allowed.

What would you have done? Would you forgive, or would you get even? Let me know!

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