
Millionaire Discovers His Daughter and Four Grandkids Have Been Living in a Car for Years

Just days before her wedding, Jenna’s perfect dress was destroyed by scorch marks, leaving her heartbroken and confused. But as she uncovered the shocking betrayal behind the damage, her next move was nothing short of pure revenge.

Steve Walton was not pleased when his butler informed him that Pastor Morris was waiting to see him. Exhausted after a long flight from Singapore, Steve had little patience for the pastor’s usual requests for community support. Begrudgingly, he had the pastor shown in and waved him forward with a sharp gesture. “What is it now?” he snapped.

“Mr. Walton, I saw Susan,” Pastor Morris said quietly.

Steve’s heart nearly stopped at the mention of his daughter’s name—Susan, the daughter who had left his home nearly fifteen years ago, never to be seen again.

“Susan?” Steve exclaimed, his voice trembling. “Where? When? How is she?”

“I was in Los Angeles, helping a friend at a mission for the homeless. That’s where I saw her,” Pastor Morris began.

Steve’s eyes lit up with hope. “She was volunteering? Did you tell her I’ve been searching for her all these years?”

Pastor Morris shook his head, his tone gentle. “No, Mr. Walton. She wasn’t a volunteer. She’s homeless. Susan and her four children are living in a car.”

Steve felt the world tilt beneath him. He staggered into a chair, his breath coming in shallow gasps. “Homeless? My Susan? With children?”

The pastor nodded, his face full of sympathy. “Yes. And she wouldn’t listen when I told her to come home.”

“Why?” Steve’s voice was thick with anger. “She’s not still with that man, is she?”

“Her husband passed away three years ago,” Pastor Morris explained softly. “And she told me she wouldn’t return to a home where her children’s father is despised.”

A familiar wave of rage surged through Steve. Even after all these years, Susan was defying him. His mind drifted back to that fateful day in his study, the day everything changed. Susan, just sixteen, had looked at him with unwavering eyes as he ranted.

“Pregnant by the gardener at sixteen?” Steve had screamed, his fury uncontrollable. “We’ll handle that problem, and as for him—he’s fired! You will never see that man again.”

Susan’s voice had been soft but resolute. “That’s my baby, Daddy, and he’s the man I love. I’m going to marry him.”

Steve’s ultimatum had come fast and furious. “You marry that man, and you’re out. No money, no support. You’ll be on your own!”

Tears had shimmered in Susan’s eyes, but she had turned and walked out of his life. Despite his best efforts to find her, she had vanished. And now, fifteen years later, she was living in poverty.

“How many children?” Steve asked quietly, his voice barely audible.

“Four,” the pastor replied. “Three girls and a boy. Beautiful children.”

Steve wasted no time. He grabbed his phone and barked orders for his plane to be readied. “Pastor, come with me to Los Angeles. Take me to my daughter.”

Two hours later, they were aboard Steve’s private jet, flying toward California. Upon landing, a limousine took them to a parking lot outside a large mall, where Pastor Morris directed them to an old pickup truck parked at the far end. A tent was set up at the back, where Susan and her children lived.

As they approached, they could hear the sound of children’s laughter. Two kids, a girl about fourteen and a younger boy, tumbled out of the tent, giggling as they played.

“Mom!” the girl called. “That preacher friend of yours is here!”

A familiar voice came from inside the tent. “Preacher Morris?”

Susan emerged, and her face froze in shock when she saw her father standing beside the pastor. “Daddy?” she whispered, tears filling her eyes.

Steve was stunned. His daughter, once vibrant and full of life, now looked worn and exhausted, her face lined with the strain of years of hardship.

“Susan,” Steve choked out. “Look at you… Look at what he did to my little girl! I wanted so much for you. And you married that… that man who gave you nothing but poverty!”

Susan shook her head firmly. “He loved me, Daddy. He gave me four beautiful children. When he died, I had nowhere to go, but I’ve done my best. I will always love him, just like I’ve always loved you.”

Tears streamed down Steve’s face. “Forgive me, Susan. Please. Come home. Let me help you and the children. I’ve missed you more than you know.”

Without hesitation, Susan stepped into her father’s arms, both of them weeping. Steve looked at the three girls who stood by, then placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder.

“And this,” Susan said with a tender smile, “is Stevie.”

Steve blinked, astonished. “You named him after me? After everything I did?”

Susan nodded. “I love you, Daddy. Don’t you know that?”

That afternoon, they all boarded Steve’s plane back to Texas. It was the start of a new chapter, one filled with healing, love, and a second chance at the life they had lost.

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