
Can you find the large dog hiding in this kitchen?

There’s something captivating about optical illusions and mind-bending images that trick your brain. You’ve probably seen hundreds of these pictures online or in books, but this one is unique—it’s a real-life illusion. Hidden within the image is an “invisible” figure, but it’s not a sneaky intruder. It’s a dog that everyone’s struggling to find.

Even seasoned optical illusion enthusiasts are puzzled by this tricky photo. Can you spot the big dog hiding in plain sight? Take a look at the picture below!

(If you can’t find it right away, don’t worry! We’ll guide you through the process until you see it.)

According to 7 News Perth, the photo was originally shared by a woman named Christina Suvo. She claimed there’s a dog hiding in the image, but many people were skeptical—it looks like there’s nothing there. But trust me, there is a dog, and once you see him, you’ll wonder how you missed it.

Here’s the full view of the kitchen. Can you see the dog now? If not, don’t feel bad—most of us didn’t spot him at first either.

Let’s break down the image like we usually do with optical illusions. Start by dividing it into squares. Focus on each section, beginning with the top left. Still no luck? Here’s a hint: check box four.

If you’re still struggling, here’s a major clue—the dog is in the lower right corner of the image.

Now, look closely. You should be able to spot the contrast between the dog’s lighter belly and the dark carpet. If you’re having trouble, the arrows in the next image will help point out the dog’s eyes, ears, and tummy.

Yes, it’s a challenge to see a black dog on a black carpet, but the lighter shade of his stomach and the pink inside his ears are visible if you pay attention.

In the highlighted version, the dog becomes more obvious. Look closely at his face—you’ll notice his long nose, big, adorable eyes, and one ear flipped inside out. The hidden dog is an adult black Labrador, a breed that typically weighs 65-75 pounds (30-35 kilos), so it’s pretty impressive that such a large dog could blend in so well!

Did you spot the dog on your first try? If you enjoyed this tricky photo, share it with friends and family who love optical illusions and hidden picture challenges!

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